The authors reply: “Sexting” and its relation to sexual activity and sexual risk behavior in a national survey of adolescents

Research Project: Teen Health and Technology

Ybarra ML, Mitchell KJ. The authors reply: “Sexting” and its relation to sexual activity and sexual risk behavior in a national survey of adolescents. J Adolesc Health. 2015; 57(1):129. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.04.014

Abstract: We appreciate Eugene’s letter in response to our recent article about the psychosocial and behavioral characteristics associated with “sexting” in adolescence. We agree that our study adds to the handful of national studies documenting the limited scope of adolescent sexting. Indeed, our prevalence rate, 7% [1], is similar to national studies of Mitchell et al. [2] and Lenhart [3], which used comparable definitions of sexting. These studies also report fewer than 10% of adolescents engaging in the behavior.

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